Acetaminophen toxicity (2024)

by Josh Farkas

Acetaminophen toxicity (1)


  • Rapid Review 🚀
  • Clinical evolution
  • Patient evaluation
  • Decontamination
  • Who needs treatment?
  • Acetylcysteine
  • Massive acetaminophen poisoning
  • Management of established hepatic failure
  • Management of renal failure
  • Podcast
  • Pitfalls

rapid review

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key pieces of information đź“–

  • History:
    • Dose?
    • Formulation (immediate or extended release)?
    • Timing?
    • Coingestants?
    • Other medications the patient is taking?
    • History of liver disease?
    • Chronic acetaminophen ingestion?
    • Chronic alcohol use?
  • Labs:
    • Acetaminophen level.
    • Liver function tests (AST/ALT, bilirubin, INR).
    • Lactate level (if massive ingestion is a consideration).
    • Electrolytes including renal function.

Acetaminophen toxicity (2)

epidemiology & pharmaco*kinetics

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  • Acetaminophen doses above >10 grams or >200 mg/kg (whichever is less) may be toxic.(31786822) However, this varies considerably between patients.(29605069, 34053705) Ingestions >30 grams are classified as massive; this may require more aggressive therapy.đź“–
  • Peak absorption of immediate-release tablets usually occurs within 2-4 hours of ingestion.

phenotypes of acetaminophen poisoning

  • (1) Suicide attempt (~50%).
  • (2) Unintentional poisoning (~50%). For example:
    • Patients with chronic pain who take acetaminophen along with combination analgesics (e.g. acetaminophen-oxycodone).
    • Patients with cold/flu symptoms who take acetaminophen along with combination cold medications (e.g. NyQuil and related products that combine acetaminophen with antihistamines).
    • “Alcohol-Tylenol syndrome” – Ongoing use of several grams of acetaminophen daily along with alcohol.(29605069)

Acetaminophen toxicity (3)factors that increase the risk of acetaminophen toxicity

  • Decreased hepatic capacity for glucuronidation:
    • Gilbert's disease.
    • Zidovudine, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.
  • Inducers of CYP2E1 (increase metabolism of acetaminophen into toxic NAPQI):
    • Isoniazid.
    • Rifampicin, phenobarbital.
    • Phenytoin, phenobarbital.
  • Hepatic depletion of glutathione:
    • Chronic alcohol ingestion.
    • Chronic acetaminophen use.
    • Chronic liver disease.
    • Malnutrition.

clinical evolution

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Toxicity is typically divided into stages, but this may not work perfectly in every patient (especially in patients who ingested several doses of acetaminophen over time).

Stage I (0-24 hours) = Incubation

  • Asymptomatic or nonspecific symptoms (anorexia, nausea/vomiting, diaphoresis).
  • 🚨 Other symptoms during this period usually suggest coingestion or massive ingestion.
    • Massive ingestion (>32 grams) may present with mental status alteration and lactic acidosis within 12 hours of ingestion.(25873702) These patients should be considered for specific treatment.đź“–
  • Labs are generally normal during this period. However, massive ingestion may cause early development of transaminitis and lactic acidosis.đź“–

Stage II (24-72 hours) = Latent period

  • Stage I symptoms resolve or improve.
  • Right upper-quadrant pain can occur.
  • Labs:
    • AST/ALT elevation occurs.
    • Nephrotoxicity may occur.

Stage III (72-96 hours) = Peak liver toxicity

  • Systemic symptoms reappear (nausea/vomiting, anorexia, malaise).
  • Hepatic failure emerges (encephalopathy, jaundice, coagulopathy, hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis, shock).
  • Greatest risk of death during this period (with common causes being cerebral edema, septic shock, or less commonly hemorrhage).(31307590)
  • Labs:
    • Transaminases peak 3-4 days after ingestion. Patients with peak transaminase levels <1000 U/L usually don't develop clinically significant hepatic dysfunction.(31307590)
    • Hepatorenal syndrome can occur.
    • INR elevation.
    • Lactic acidosis.

Stage IV (4 days-2 weeks) = Resolution

  • Patients who don't die make a complete recovery.

historical elements

  • Timing & amount of ingestion.
  • Single ingestion vs. multiple/chronic ingestions.
  • Formulation (immediate-release vs. sustained-release).
  • History of alcoholism or malnutrition?
  • History of known liver disease?

pertinent labs

  • Electrolytes & glucose level.
  • Lactate can be elevated:
    • i) Early-onset lactic acidosis following massive ingestion (within 24 hours).đź“–
    • ii) Later-onset lactic acidosis due to hepatic failure (>48 hours after ingestion).
  • Acetaminophen level
    • Marked hyperbilirubinemia (>10 mg/dL) may cause a false-positive acetaminophen level, usually in the low range (0-30 ug/ml).(29605069) Bilirubin elevation in this range usually isn't due to acetaminophen, so other causes of liver injury should be considered.
  • Liver function tests (including ammonia, INR).
  • (Additional evaluation for concurrent poisoning with other substances, as clinically warranted).


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activated charcoal

  • Should be considered if patients present shortly following ingestion and are able to protect their airway (<1-2 hours).(34053705)
  • Likely provides the greatest benefit to patients with massive acetaminophen poisoning.đź“– (25133498) Some guidelines recommend activated charcoal for up to four hours after an ingestion of >30 grams.(34053705)
  • For ingestions involving sustained release formulations, activated charcoal might be considered at even later timepoints (especially a massive, sustained-release formulation).(31786822)

who needs treatment?

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preamble: why the ICU perspective is different

  • There are roughly two patient populations with acetaminophen toxicity seen in the ICU:
    • (1) Patients with liver failure due to acetaminophen poisoning.
    • (2) Patients with polysubstance intoxication admitted to ICU for supportive care, who also happen to have a positive acetaminophen level.
  • In general, the main challenge regarding acetaminophen toxicity is determining which patients need to be admitted and which can be discharged home. This issue is irrelevant in the ICU, because a decision has already been made to admit the patient.
  • Among patients admitted to the ICU, this shifts the risk/benefit ratio towards treatment for acetaminophen intoxication:
    • Risk of treating with acetylcysteine in the ICU is negligible.
    • Benefit of treating with acetylcysteine is potentially large (rarely may be life-saving).

Acetaminophen toxicity (4)

Rumack-Matthew Nomogram

  • This predicts the likelihood of hepatic failure based on acetaminophen level following a one-time ingestion.
  • Disagreement exists regarding the ideal cutoff used in the nomogram, as shown above.(28489461) To err on the side of caution, it may be safest to use the United Kingdom treatment line.
  • Nomogram confounders might cause the nomogram to fail:
    1. Incorrect history about timing of intoxication.
    2. Multiple ingestions or chronic acetaminophen use.(31786822)
    3. Factors that increase the risk of acetaminophen toxicity:
      • Chronic alcoholism (not acute alcohol intoxication)
      • Malnutrition
      • Drugs that increase acetaminophen toxicity (INH, rifampin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, zidovudine)
    4. Altered pharmaco*kinetics:
      • Extended-release acetaminophen preparations
      • Delayed gastric emptying (e.g. opioids, gastroparesis)
    5. Ingestion >24 hours before presentation.
    6. Wrong units (make sure your units match the nomogram!).


Acetaminophen toxicity (5)

  • This is one approach to acetaminophen intoxication. This strategy places a high priority on not missing cases of acetaminophen injury, and a low priority on avoiding treatment with acetylcysteine.
    • For best effect, acetylcysteine should be given within 8 hours of ingestion. If known acetaminophen ingestion occurred >8 hours previously, or if there will be a delay in obtaining acetaminophen levels, it may be safest to start acetylcysteine immediately to avoid treatment delay. You can always stop it later on.
  • When in doubt, it's generally better to err on the side of treatment (patients are unreliable, acetylcysteine is safe, and liver failure is bad).


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IV acetylcysteine is preferred over oral regimen

  • Two options are available: a 24-hour IV regimen and a 72-hour oral regimen.
  • The 72-hour oral regimen is a logistical nightmare:
    • Oral acetylcysteine smells like rotten eggs and makes patients vomit.
    • Patients will often refuse to continue with the regimen at some point.
  • The 24-hour IV regimen is generally used:
    • Extremely safe.
    • Faster & logistically easier than the oral regimen.
    • It rarely can cause an anaphylactoid reaction, with histamine release due to direct action of the medication. However, this isn't a major problem (more on this below).
  • Standard dosing regimen
    • This can be calculated here (although many hospitals will have a computerized protocol for this as well).
      • 1st infusion = 150 mg/kg over 60 minutes.
      • 2nd infusion = 50 mg/kg over 4 hours.
      • 3rd infusion = 100 mg/kg over 16 hours.
      • Keep repeating the 3rd infusion until acetaminophen levels are <10 ug/mL and liver function is improving (more on this in the section below).
  • 🚨 Standard doses of acetylcysteine may fail for patients with massive acetaminophen ingestion (above the 300-line shown above, or ingestion of doses above >30 grams or >500 mg/kg). Such patients may require more aggressive treatment.đź“–
  • Guidelines from Australia and New Zealand recommend a streamlined two-bag regimen (200 mg/kg over 4 hours, followed by 100 mg/kg over 16 hours).(31786822) This is a minor alteration to the traditional three-bag regimen that may reduce the rate of anaphylactoid reactions and simplify the dosing regimen. To avoid dosing errors, it's probably best to use whatever protocol is standard at your hospital.

when to stop the acetylcysteine

  • Continue acetylcysteine infusion if there is evidence of liver injury (e.g., ALT > 80 U/L and rising) or persistent elevation of acetaminophen (>10 mg/L).(22998987)
    • Treatment failures have been reported if acetylcysteine was stopped prematurely.
    • Continue at the same rate, equal to the rate of the third IV dose in the protocol (100 mg/kg infused over 16 hours – repeatedly).
  • Acetylcysteine can generally be stopped once the following criteria are met:
    • (1) Acetaminophen level is <10 mg/L.
    • (2) Transaminases are either down-trending or stable.
      • For patients with hepatic failure, acetylcysteine should be continued until the liver is making a robust recovery (e.g., transaminases are definitively falling and the INR is <2).
      • Note that small fluctuations in ALT (e.g., +/- 20 U/L or +/- 10%) are common and don't necessarily indicate the need for ongoing acetylcysteine, especially if the ALT level is low.(31786822)
    • (3) INR <2.0

anaphylactoid reactions from IV acetylcysteine

  • Rapid administration of acetylcysteine can cause an anaphylactoid reaction. This involves histamine release due to a direct action of the medication (not an IgE-mediated allergic reaction).
  • Anaphylactoid reactions are uncommon (especially if the initial dose is infused more slowly, over 60 minutes). When they do occur, they are usually mild (involving the skin only). They invariably occur within six hours of initiation of acetylcysteine, most often within the first two hours.(29423816)
  • Treatment may be as follows:
    • Only symptom is flushing: continue acetylcysteine, carefully monitor patient.
    • Urticaria: IV diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg, consider steroid, continue acetylcysteine.
    • Angioedema: IV diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg, steroid, hold acetylcysteine for one hour.
    • Respiratory symptoms or hypotension: IV diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg, steroid, hold acetylcysteine for one hour, epinephrine (intramuscular bolus or infusion).
  • These reactions are not an allergic reaction. Acetylcysteine can be continued or resumed (perhaps at a lower rate initially). Liver failure has been reported when acetylcysteine was inappropriately stopped due to inappropriate fear of an “allergy.”(17046490) Don't do this.
  • When in doubt, poison control can help provide advice on this (in the United States, 1-800-222-1222).
  • Fear of an anaphylactoid reaction shouldn't limit the use of IV acetylcysteine. These reactions are uncommon, mild, and treatable. In one study involving 6,455 treatment courses of acetylcysteine, it doesn't seem that there was any serious harm from anaphylactoid reactions (e.g., death).(29423816)


  • Acetaminophen poses a risk of hepatic failure to both mother and fetus.
  • Acetylcysteine is safe and beneficial in pregnancy.
  • IV acetylcysteine may be especially preferable because it achieves higher serum drug levels and avoids vomiting (of course, IV acetylcysteine is generally the treatment of choice regardless of pregnancy status). If IV acetylcysteine is unavailable, then oral acetylcysteine may be used.
  • In a prospective observational study of pregnant women, delayed treatment with acetylcysteine was associated with increased risk of miscarriage and fetal death.(2748061)

massive acetaminophen poisoning

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Acetaminophen toxicity (6)definition?

  • One clinical definition of massive poisoning may be defined as patients with any of the following:
    • (a) Acetaminophen levels above the “300-line” (red line above).
    • (b) Known ingestion of >30 grams or >500 mg/kg (whichever is lower).(30777470; 31786822)
  • 🚨 Massive acetaminophen poisoning can be lethal even despite standard therapeutic regimens with acetylcysteine.
  • These patients may present in a specific clinical fashion and require more aggressive treatment.

clinical presentation of massive acetaminophen poisoning

  • Patients develop mitochondrial dysfunction very early (usually within <12 hours of ingestion), before any liver damage occurs. This may cause early development of lactic acidosis and altered mental status.

management of massive poisoning: overview

  • (1) Charcoal may be useful in these patients (if patients present within <4 hours of ingestion, or if they have ingested sustained-release tablets).đź“–
  • (2) High-dose acetylcysteine is the cornerstone of management (more below).
  • (3) Hemodialysis may also be indicated (more below).

high-dose acetylcysteine

  • Rationale for using high-dose acetylcysteine:
    • (1) Evidence shows that standard doses of acetylcysteine can be inadequate in the context of massive poisoning. From a basic science standpoint, acetylcysteine neutralizes NAPQI in a 1:1 molar ratio, so the dose of acetylcysteine should be scaled up in proportion to the amount of acetaminophen.
    • (2) If dialysis is used, this will remove acetylcysteine, thereby aggravating the mismatch between acetylcysteine dose vs. NAPQI levels. Intermittent hemodialysis may remove up to 50% of acetylcysteine.(25133498)
  • Risks of high-dose acetylcysteine
    • Case reports describe toxicity (including hemolysis and cerebral edema) following dosing errors resulting in excessive administration of acetylcysteine (e.g. 5-fold increase in the first dose, or 10-fold increase in the maintenance doses).(25767408, 21970774)
    • Toxicity from acetylcysteine is therefore clearly possible. Case reports describe toxicity in the context of egregious dosing errors. Whether toxicity might occur at somewhat lower doses is unknown.
  • One approach to acetylcysteine dosing was recently proposed by Hendrickson 2019.(30777470)
    • The first and second dose of acetylcysteine are kept the same, but the infusion rate of the third dose is increased in proportion to the severity of intoxication.
      • Intoxications over the 600 line (purple line below): third dose of 25 mg/kg/hr (quadruple the standard dose).
      • Intoxications over the 450 line (green line below): third dose of 18.75 mg/kg/hr (triple the standard dose).
      • Intoxications over the 300 line (red line below): third dose of 12.5 mg/kg/hr (double the standard dose).
    • For patients on hemodialysis, consider doubling the acetylcysteine dose compared to what you would otherwise use (but don't increase it any higher than 25 mg/kg/hr).
    • This algorithm hasn't been prospectively validated, so consider discussing the case with poison control or a local toxicologist. The practice of doubling the infusion rate is increasingly accepted, but tripling or quadrupling the dose remains more controversial.(34053705)

Acetaminophen toxicity (7)

Acetaminophen toxicity (8)


  • Dialysis can remove both acetaminophen and toxic metabolites (NAPQI). This may be beneficial in massive poisoning, where acetylcysteine won't necessarily work.
  • Indications for dialysis based on the EXTRIP guidelines are shown below (note that “ECTR” = dialysis).(25133498) đź“„
  • Dialysis is not an alternative to acetylcysteine. In fact, patients who are dialyzed require higher doses of acetylcysteine (e.g., double the dose in patients undergoing intermittent hemodialysis).(34053705)

Acetaminophen toxicity (9)

management of hepatic failure

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acetylcysteine infusion

  • Acetylcysteine still provides benefit, even if delayed until after hepatic failure has occurred.
    • A RCT demonstrated 28% mortality benefit among patients with established hepatic failure.(1954453)
  • Acetylcysteine infusion should be started and continued until patient dies or recovers. First give the standard 24-hour regimen and then continue the infusion at a rate equal to the third IV dose in the protocol (100 mg/kg infused over 16 hours – repeatedly).
    • ⚠️ Don't allow the acetylcysteine infusion to stop until the liver is clearly improving and the acetaminophen level is zero.

consider transfer to liver transplant center

  • Patients with acute hepatic failure can be candidates for transplantation, even if recently suicidal.
  • Patients with severe liver injury (e.g. encephalopathy, pH <7.3, severe elevation of INR, renal failure) should be discussed with a regional transplantation center or local transplant team.

management of renal failure

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renal failure in acetaminophen toxicity

  • This occurs in 10-25% of patients, and >50% of patients with acute hepatic failure.(29605069)
  • Potential mechanisms?
    • i) Direct effect of toxic metabolites
    • ii) Can occurs as a result of hepatorenal syndrome


  • General supportive care (as for any patient with kidney injury).đź“–
    • Dialysis may be required temporarily (renal recovery generally occurs eventually if the patient survives).
  • Treatment for hepatorenal syndrome, if this is present.đź“–


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questions & discussion

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To keep this page small and fast, questions & discussion about this post can be found on another page here.

Acetaminophen toxicity (11)

  • The Rumack nomogram may fail for a variety of reasons, so be careful when using it.
  • IV acetylcysteine has been shown to improve mortality in patients with established liver failure. Even if the patient presents very late, they should still be treated with acetylcysteine.
  • When using acetylcysteine to treat a patient with established hepatic injury, continue acetylcysteine as an ongoing infusion until the liver recovers (don't stop after 24 hours).
  • Be aware of the existence of massive acetaminophen poisoning. Patients with extremely high levels may require higher doses of acetylcysteine and even hemodialysis.đź“–
  • Consider acetaminophen toxicity in patients presenting with hepatic injury or failure. About half of cases are inadvertent, so there may be no obvious history of ingestion.
  • When in doubt regarding the need to treat, it's safest to just give IV acetylcysteine (see tweet below). This allows you to stop agonizing about acetaminophen and focus on other problems the patient may have (e.g., coingestants).

Guide to emoji hyperlinks Acetaminophen toxicity (12)

  • Acetaminophen toxicity (13) = Link to online calculator.
  • Acetaminophen toxicity (14) = Link to Medscape monograph about a drug.
  • Acetaminophen toxicity (15) = Link to IBCC section about a drug.
  • Acetaminophen toxicity (16) = Link to IBCC section covering that topic.
  • Acetaminophen toxicity (17) = Link to FOAMed site with related information.
  • đź“„ = Link to open-access journal article.
  • Acetaminophen toxicity (18) = Link to supplemental media.


  • 01954453 Keays R, Harrison PM, Wendon JA, Forbes A, Gove C, Alexander GJ, Williams R. Intravenous acetylcysteine in paracetamol induced fulminant hepatic failure: a prospective controlled trial. BMJ. 1991 Oct 26;303(6809):1026-9. doi: 10.1136/bmj.303.6809.1026 [PubMed]
  • 02748061 Riggs BS, Bronstein AC, Kulig K, Archer PG, Rumack BH. Acute acetaminophen overdose during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 1989 Aug;74(2):247-53 [PubMed]
  • 17046490 Pizon AF, Lovecchio F. Adverse reaction from use of intravenous N-acetylcysteine. J Emerg Med. 2006 Nov;31(4):434-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2006.08.004 [PubMed]
  • 21970774 Mullins ME, Vitkovitsky IV. Hemolysis and hemolytic uremic syndrome following five-fold N-acetylcysteine overdose. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2011 Oct;49(8):755-9. doi: 10.3109/15563650.2011.609821 [PubMed]
  • 22998987 Hodgman MJ, Garrard AR. A review of acetaminophen poisoning. Crit Care Clin. 2012 Oct;28(4):499-516. doi: 10.1016/j.ccc.2012.07.006 [PubMed]
  • 25133498 Gosselin S, Juurlink DN, Kielstein JT, Ghannoum M, Lavergne V, Nolin TD, Hoffman RS; Extrip Workgroup. Extracorporeal treatment for acetaminophen poisoning: recommendations from the EXTRIP workgroup. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2014 Sep-Oct;52(8):856-67. doi: 10.3109/15563650.2014.946994 [PubMed]
  • 25767408 Mahmoudi GA, Astaraki P, Mohtashami AZ, Ahadi M. N-acetylcysteine overdose after acetaminophen poisoning. Int Med Case Rep J. 2015 Feb 27;8:65-9. doi: 10.2147/IMCRJ.S74563 [PubMed]
  • 25873702 Janssen J, Singh-Saluja S. How much did you take? Reviewing acetaminophen toxicity. Can Fam Physician. 2015 Apr;61(4):347-9 [PubMed]
  • 28489461 Levine M, Stellpflug S, Pizon AF, Traub S, Vohra R, Wiegand T, Traub N, Tashman D, Desai S, Chang J, Nathwani D, Thomas S. Estimating the impact of adopting the revised United Kingdom acetaminophen treatment nomogram in the U.S. population. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2017 Jul;55(6):569-572. doi: 10.1080/15563650.2017.1291945 [PubMed]
  • 29423816 Yarema M, Chopra P, Sivilotti MLA, Johnson D, Nettel-Aguirre A, Bailey B, Victorino C, Gosselin S, Purssell R, Thompson M, Spyker D, Rumack B. Anaphylactoid Reactions to Intravenous N-Acetylcysteine during Treatment for Acetaminophen Poisoning. J Med Toxicol. 2018 Jun;14(2):120-127. doi: 10.1007/s13181-018-0653-9 [PubMed]
  • 29605069 Bunchorntavakul C, Reddy KR. Acetaminophen (APAP or N-Acetyl-p-Aminophenol) and Acute Liver Failure. Clin Liver Dis. 2018 May;22(2):325-346. doi: 10.1016/j.cld.2018.01.007 [PubMed]
  • 30777470 Hendrickson RG. What is the most appropriate dose of N-acetylcysteine after massive acetaminophen overdose? Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2019 Aug;57(8):686-691. doi: 10.1080/15563650.2019.1579914 [PubMed]
  • 31307590 Fisher ES, Curry SC. Evaluation and treatment of acetaminophen toxicity. Adv Pharmacol. 2019;85:263-272. doi: 10.1016/bs.apha.2018.12.004 [PubMed]
  • 31786822 Chiew AL, Reith D, Pomerleau A, Wong A, Isoardi KZ, Soderstrom J, Buckley NA. Updated guidelines for the management of paracetamol poisoning in Australia and New Zealand. Med J Aust. 2020 Mar;212(4):175-183. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50428 [PubMed]
  • 34053705 Chiew AL, Buckley NA. Acetaminophen Poisoning. Crit Care Clin. 2021 Jul;37(3):543-561. doi: 10.1016/j.ccc.2021.03.005 [PubMed]
Acetaminophen toxicity (2024)


What is the criteria for acetaminophen toxicity? ›

In adults, an acute ingestion of more than 150 mg/kg or 12 g of acetaminophen is considered a toxic dose and poses a high risk of liver damage. In children, acute ingestion of 250 mg/kg or more poses significant risk for acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.

How to flush Tylenol out of your body? ›

Activated charcoal medicine may be given to soak up the acetaminophen that is still in your stomach. Activated charcoal will make you vomit. Gastric lavage may be needed to clean out your stomach to get rid of the acetaminophen. Gastric lavage is also called having your stomach pumped.

What are the four stages of acetaminophen toxicity? ›

Regardless of whether acetaminophen toxicity occurs because of a single overdose or after repeated supratherapeutic ingestion, the progression of acetaminophen poisoning can be described in four sequential phases: preclinical toxic effects (phase one), hepatic injury (phase two), hepatic failure (phase three), and ...

What is the chief cause of acetaminophen toxicity? ›

Chronic Acetaminophen Poisoning

Chronic excessive use or repeated overdoses cause hepatotoxicity in a few patients. Usually, chronic overdose is not an attempt at self-injury but instead results from taking inappropriately high doses to treat pain.

How much is too much acetaminophen in one day? ›

Adults should not take more than 3,000 mg of single-ingredient acetaminophen a day. You should take less if you are 65 or more years old. Taking more, especially 7,000 mg or more, can lead to a severe overdose problems.

How long does it take for Tylenol to cause liver damage? ›

Hepatic injury generally starts 24 to 72 hours after the ingestion with marked elevations in serum ALT and AST (often to above 2000 U/L), followed at 48 to 96 hours by clinical symptoms: jaundice, confusion, hepatic failure and in some instances death. Evidence of renal insufficiency is also common.

How to detox the liver from acetaminophen? ›

The antidote to acetaminophen overdose, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), is most effective when given within 8 hours of ingesting acetaminophen and can prevent liver failure, if given early enough, by replenishing the stores of glutathione in the liver to detoxify NAPQI.

Does water help flush Tylenol? ›

Drinking water does not necessarily “flush out” medication from the body in the sense of rapidly removing it or negating its effects.

Is Tylenol overdose reversible? ›

If a toxic dose is taken and emergency treatment is delayed, liver failure may follow. Liver failure may mean that a liver transplant is needed to prevent death. Alternatively, if treatment of a toxic overdose is begun early, the person may recover with no long-term health problems.

How do you recover from acetaminophen toxicity? ›

The majority of patients survive acetaminophen toxicity with supportive care such as intravenous fluids and anti-nausea medication, activated charcoal, if used within one hour after ingestion, and antidotal therapy, including N-acetylcysteine (Acetadote®, Mucomyst®).

How long does acetaminophen stay in your system? ›

If you have no significant health conditions and only take Tylenol at recommended doses, then it is typically out of your system within 12 to 24 hours after your last dose. If you've been taking more than the recommended doses of Tylenol, it could take a few days for your body to clear it.

What is the only antidote for an acetaminophen overdose? ›

An overdose of acetaminophen may result in severe liver injury. Acetylcysteine is an effective antidote to prevent or limit liver injury in patients with potentially toxic acetaminophen levels or evidence of liver injury.

How do you know if you had too much acetaminophen? ›

Signs of acetaminophen poisoning

0–24 hours—The person may experience sweating, nausea and vomiting after an overdose. Blood levels of enzymes associated with liver damage begin to rise. 18–72 hours—Later on, the symptoms often go away and the patient may feel better.

What is the most prominent toxic effect associated with acetaminophen use? ›

Acetaminophen is one of the most commonly reported products causing drug-induced liver injury [1,3,10,11] and is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States, accounting for 50 percent of all reported cases and approximately 20 percent of liver transplant cases [12-16].

Which of the following symptoms suggests acetaminophen toxicity? ›

Patients presenting more than 24 hours after ingesting toxic doses of acetaminophen may manifest symptoms including nausea, vomiting, jaundice, abdominal pain, and hypotension.

What are the FDA guidelines for acetaminophen? ›

The current maximum recommended adult dose of acetaminophen is 4,000 milligrams per day for all medicines you might be taking. To avoid exceeding that dose: Be aware of the number of milligrams of acetaminophen in all the medicines you are taking. Don't take more than one OTC medicine containing acetaminophen.

What does a nurse observe in acetaminophen toxicity? ›

Signs and symptoms of acetaminophen overdose include sweating, convulsions, pain in the stomach or upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Jaundice and icterus are late signs, indicating liver damage.

Is 1000 mg of acetaminophen safe? ›

Adults and teenagers—650 to 1000 milligrams (mg) every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Dose is based on form and strength. Carefully follow the label instructions for the maximum dose per day. Children—Dose is based on weight or age.


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